Wednesday, April 11, 2007


In the most recent edition of SEED MAGAZINE a picture on page 36 caught my attention. They generated an image by sorting 800,000 published studies into 776 different scientific paradigms based on how often the papers were cited together by authors of other papers. Links were made between the paradigms that shared papers, and the result was nothing less than profound. After I saw that picture I was practically foaming at the mouth to read Charles Seife’s new book on information theory DECODING THE UNIVERSE. After a heated battle with understanding k log 2 (suck my dick Schrodinger!), and a little math brush-up I really got to the meat of this book quickly, (not nearly as fast as your bitchy girlfriend got to mine). Focusing on the link between entropy and information theory Seife draws connections between scientific paradigms and fills the holes we find in relativity and quantum theory. With implications that go far beyond the regular run of the mill SCI-FI techno weenie fantasies, I found myself seeing the limitless possibilities of information theory in everything from making babies to particle physics to ham sandwiches (three of my favorite things). Just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how much we are going to be changing our ideas of how the universe works. An awesome read for anyone that gives a shit.

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